3 Ways To A Calmer Space
We all need a little more calm in our lives. Anytime we can add that to our workspace, our office, our homes, it's amazing. Not only does it make for a better workday, it makes you feel more at peace, and can help you to be more creative. When you're calm and focused, that's when magic happens! A calm mind is a creative mind!
It's been awhile since I redecorated my room, but since then I've noticed such a difference in the way I feel, when I'm spending time in it. Being in a calm place that I love, helps me to be more focused and productive when it's time to get work done.
Today, I want to share with you which things I found to help me the most when making my space a 'calm escape.'
Throughout most of the day, we stress about what's going on at work, in school, or what's happening with family, and with the relationships with those around us. We should all have a place where we can come to at the end of the day, and feel like we can wind down and recharge. A place where we feel at peace. By being in an environment that brings you joy, it can help you have a better mood, and will help you feel more calm all together.
Everyone is different here. These are just some things I have found that have made a difference for me. Try to find little things that you can incorporate more into your lifestyle that make you feel more at peace.
So let's dive in, with number one.
1. Keep it clean.
I know, seems like the simplest most boring tip ever- but I mean it! It doesn't matter what space we're talking about, what your style is, or what colors are on the wall. As long as the area surrounding it is tidy, you're pretty much good to go! I personally cannot work or even think in clutter, let alone feel relaxed. Keeping your space in order as much as possible is 80% of the trick. I guarantee you, it's a lot harder to feel overwhelmed in a space that's organized and put together.
For me, It's always a struggle. But once you make it a habit to keep things in order, it gets easier.
2. Add things, that reflect who you are.
This is your sanctuary. When I redecorated, I wanted it to feel like my space. I wanted things that I loved surrounding me. Whether that was birds and branches on the wall, or an easel in the corner, I wasn't afraid to make it my own. Everytime I scan around the room, I either feel at peace, inspired, or simply like I belong here. I can be myself, and I don't have to think about anything except whatever task I need to complete.
Having my easel out within eyesight, also reminds me to keep painting in my spare time.
"Drink More Tea" (Print Illustrated by Ella Masters) Link to her site here!
3. Let in the light.
Whether it's from the window, a candle, or all on a string, a little lighting is the biggest key to making any space that much better. Natural light is simply the best for an elevated mood, and a peaceful atmosphere. I'm pretty lucky to have big windows here that bring in a lot of light. But even if you don't, adding some string lights, a favorite desk lamp, or a even well lit candle will do the trick. There is something comforting (and soothing) about what a little light can do.
On The Left: A favorite candle I'm currently burning, "Sand and Fog" inspired by the California coast. (TJ Maxx always!) On The Right: A current calendar I'm loving so much! Wrapped in string lights, and hanging on my wall.
Since I remodeled, I've spend many afternoons, many study sessions, and working days inside in it. And I couldn't be happier. It's a calm sanctuary for me, and I'm loving changing it up now and then.
She leaves more hair than good vibes..
And I'm not the only one who enjoys it, others do as well.
Some, maybe a little too much. *As pictured above. Sigh.
What makes a peaceful space for you?