5 Ways To Calm Down This Fall
If you thought Summer was the time of the 'busy schedules, new routines, and nonstop errands,' think again. Autumn is around the corner, and everyone and everything is on hustle mode, and things are going to get crazy for awhile. Some of you are going back to work, starting school again, jumping into a new job, or simply getting back on a schedule, now that summer has come to an end. There is so much that happens during this next season, to help with all the crazy, I've put together a list of things I always go back to this time of year. Most of these I've been repeatedly going back to around this season, and some are relatively new finds. Hopefully, you'll find them all helpful.
Here are some simple solutions to help keep you organized, and feeling at peace this fall season!
1. Start utilizing your planner
I'd hope that you already do this because honestly, I can't imagine living life without mine. I got my first physical planner, a little over two years ago, and since then I've got into the habit of staying organized since. I have a year planner, with a month by month overview, and weekly pages, with spaces to write in things each day. I think I picked this one up at Marshalls back in January. Super cheap, and it has been a lifesaver. Instead of everything floating around in in my head throughout the day, forgetting things, and then stressing out about everything I have to do, I have a place to quickly scribble it down, and know that it's on a list to look back on later.
Lists save lives. If you're on a tight schedule this year, use a freaking planner, and thank me later.
$6.99 at Marshalls. I've seen even cheaper ones too. Doesn't have to be fancy, this is for your use only.
2. Stovetop potpourri recipe.
My mother actually makes this a lot. Apart from making the house smell ah-mazing, it makes me feel happy, and whatever room I'm in, wonderful. I feel like it cleanses the air, and makes it seem like fall. Even if it's still 110* outside. Not quite sure if she got this off of Pinterest, or adapted it from an old recipe. I think she said it originated from a 'William Sonoma' recipe. Either way, way to go mom, this is too great not to share.
1/2 Lemon (or 2-3 slices)
1 Cinnamon Stick (or a sprinkle, of ground)
2-3 Sprigs of Rosemary
1/2 Tsp Vanilla Extract
Place all in small pot, and fill with water. Bring to a simmer, then turn it down to low, and enjoy. Add more water as it evaporates over time. Change after 24 hours.
3. Lavender Essential Oil
Okay so, I've recently got into using more essential oils. *Actual good quality ones. In the past, I always just bought ones from the store, on discount, or an off brand version, because it was cheaper. (I know, terrible.) But once I was able to try good quality ones, the difference in power and effectiveness that I felt, was unreal. Recently, I took a dōTERRA class, where I learned a little more about the oils, what to use them for, and how they can help in many areas of your life. Lavender, is one I keep going back. Right now, this is helping me to slow down, and breathe. I find myself applying this around bedtime, and breathing it in, to help with sleep too. When placed in a diffuser, Lavender can also help with:
Creating a calm environment
Allergy support
Sleep support
Can help aid in headache relief
For Pregnancy, this can also help with your circulation, sleep, and give you an overall calming effect.
I've been using this, more than I ever thought I would. it feels super silky, and is a versatile necesity.
As a Doula, I will say to be mindful if using Lavender in your first trimester, as it may stimulate minor contractions. It's better when used during your second, and third trimester.
(Cinnamon and Cloves, Rosemary, and Clary Sage, are all oils that should be used more mindfully if you're expecting.) Just be sure to ask your Doctor, or Midwife what may be best for you.
You know, I feel like everyone knows, or has heard of using Lavender. But not everyone knows how to use it to their best advantage. This fall, if you want to start using more oils, the one thing I would say, is make sure the quality is there. It really makes all the difference. I have found that dōTERRA is the purest. If you're interested in learning more about oils, or even have any questions, Jamie has been super helpful in teaching me how I can start adding more essential oils to my day to day, routines. Let me know in the comments if you use oils, and what your favorites are!! dōTERRA has a Digestzen blend that has been saving my gut. (Literally)
Check out her site here, www.mydoterra.com/jamiereyes
4. Classical Music
Every year, every time, I have a playlist of opera, classical, and instrumental that I tune into. It never fails to make any moment cozier. While it's fitting for the season, it is my favorite go-to calmer when things go crazy. I have a few favorite things in this world, and a lot of things I don't mind. Classical music, is one of those favs. Maybe it's my mom plaid it too much when we were younger, maybe it's just because. But it is the best remedy for a stressful day.
That, and chocolate chip cookies.
and tea.
5. Pilates.
Because I just said chocolate chip cookies, you know what's up. I've had a love affair with Pilates, since I was a teen. The 'unwinding feeling' of relaxation, while building your muscle is really something special.
For me, getting back into a routine for fall, includes exercise. Pilates is a great option, if you like to workout at home, or are on a tight schedule. I usually squeeze my workouts throughout the day, or in the morning. I just feel better if I do Pilates. I feel more flexible, more strong, toned, and sleek. It also helps to build excellent balance, and core strength. Did I mention it's good for your mind?
Since being on vacation, I've only worked out a few times. *kinda ashamed. I can't wait to get back into the routine of movement. It's both stress-relieving, and helps me to focus. I just all around feel more sure of myself, and more at ease.
My favorite instructor, (though super happy, and maybe too bubbly at times) is Cassey Ho, Blogilates on YouTube. She may be super bubbly, but she is just too sweet, and loyal to not watch. I started watching her videos when I was a teen, and couldn't help but keep her as my personal instructor over the years. I still use her videos daily. Check her out channel here:
Okay, let me know if you have any go-to things that you do around the time of year, that make you feel calm. I'd love to know!!
Hopefully, these help you ease back into another busy season, calmly, and at peace.
I'm telling you, A solid planner + lavender + classical music + pilates + good smells =equals the best darn fall you'll ever have.
*that and chocolate chip cookies.
(and tea)