7 Ways To Make Your Day Better
So many mugs of tea..
Whether you're having a tough day with getting ready for back to school, or are stressed about everyday life right now, these are seven things you can do to make you day a little bit better. Some days, things can be just hard, and can get overwhelming. When that happens, it's okay to take a moment for yourself. To reset, refocus, and let some of that stress go. Some of these tips, you can plan ahead for, others you can stop and do anytime of the day.
Let's jump in with number one.
1. Start at your bed.
Start when you wake up. Literally. Start with making your bed. It sets the course for your entire day. plus, it makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something right away. This is also a great moment to take a second, to think about your day. What your plans are, and what you want to accomplish. It's also beneficial for when you go back later in the day, and it's already made. You can sit down on it, or toss your bag on it, and feel like you've got your life together.
2. Tackle the day, in your best outfit.
The day seems much more manageable in clothes that match. Really, things seem more achievable when you're dressed well, and feelin' your best. Honestly, it's one less thing you have to worry about. When you can count on your outfit pulling through for the day, you feel like you can pull through too. I'm not saying your clothes have to be all fancy, and designer. Just ones that fit you well, that flatter you, and that you love! It makes all the difference.
3. Take a dance break.
Okay so, first of all no one has to see. Just dance it out! It doesn't matter if you're a good 'dancer' or not. It's really not about that. Put your headphones in, and rock out to a song or two. This always helps me without fail. Listening to my favorite songs, and having a joyous moment can always make a down day, better. If you're in the car, bump up the volume, and sing. You might feel silly at first, but who cares? You're doing this for you, and to help yourself feel better. Singing and dancing is known to reduce stress (and depression.) And if you really like the song, you won't have a problem belting out the chorus.
4. Reset, and refocus in the shower.
Pause, and get some self-care time. This could be just the 'mental reset' that you need. Hop in the shower, (or run a bath) shave, do a facemask, give yourself a good fifteen minutes, to clean up, think, and see how you feel afterward. Use a favorite body wash. A little self-care can go a long way when you're having a rough day. Plus when you're all done, you smell nice. Like, real nice.
It's a win-win!
5. Coffee is your friend. Let it help you.
Yes, coffee can be your best friend. Doesn't matter what time of day it is. AM or afternoon. Sometimes, you just need that little bit of a boost. Especially when you feel the weight of life's troubles come crashing down on you around 4pm. When you are having a rough day, or feeling low, coffee can give you a confidence boost, and recharge the life back into your day. Stop by the nearest coffee shop, or brew yourself a cup at home. It doesn't have to be coffee either. Making a cup of tea can help too. The process itself, can help unravel whatever is on your mind.
6. Step outside, or take a drive.
Take a moment. Shut down whatever you're doing, and step outside. Breathe. Go for a drive. Yes, go for a drive!! This is my go-to when I need a break. Make a tall cup of tea, and drive around town with your favorite playlist. Or take a walk. Water your plants in the back. Get the mail. Just being outside, can help your mental state more than anything. When I was little, I couldn't stand not being outside. I would stare out the window, heart aching just to feel the wind whip through my hair. And as I got older, I still feel the same. No matter what is going on, getting outside will solve almost everything.
7. Chat with a friend.
If you're having a rough day, don't underestimate sharing whatever is going on, with someone who cares. Most of the time, they will be more than happy to be there for you, and will share their troubles in exchange. And being there for them, will help you feel better too. There has been countless times, when after talking it out with someone, I felt like a weight was lifted off me. Give it a chance. Ask to meet for coffee, or send them a text. Reaching out is always hard until you do it, and then you're just grateful that you did. Things can fester in our minds if we don't talk about it. We are better off getting it out, then carrying those thoughts and feelings around with us for the rest of the week.
What are some things that can help make your day better? Hopefully these are ones you haven't heard before.
I know we all have things going, that make it difficult to stay upbeat. Life gets tough.
So hang in there.
I get it.