Tips For When You Are Emotionally Exhausted
I know it has been a while.
But you know, things happen, and life takes priority. I hope the holiday season has been kind to you, as I know it can be a time of fun, but also hard on our emotions and our minds -there is just a lot going on. You have emotions rising everywhere. From the natural nostalgia of Christmas and Thanksgiving and the family and traditions and craziness that come with them, to New Years parties and drama. Ugh. Sometimes New Years can be a bitch to you for no reason. With people my age, there is so much pressure for this day to be some big party where you get crazy and act like a fool, forget who you are, have a mini mid-life crisis, then throw up because of one too many mixed drinks, and cry over an ex all in the same night.
Um, like what happened to just drinking mulled wine, playing board games and enjoying eachothers company? Too granny-like?
Okay. I can live with that.
But as much as the holidays hold a special place in my heart, they can be so hard on one's life mentally, and emotionally. For me at least, I know I can feel drained like I have nothing left to give. There is so much joy, planning, preparing, focusing, and refocusing, seeing old family, going to see friends, all it just all happens in a short amount of time.
So with January in full swing, and everyone getting 'back on track with their lives' I've been feeling like I need to check in with my emotions, and cleanse myself from the past few months. We as people always feel like we have to detox after all those christmas treats anyways, why not refocus and get rid of any negative feelings we had during those times too? January is a time for re-focusing. Re-starting. So let's take a closer look into our overall health and start the year with a fresh perspective. This doesn't just go for the the end of the holiday season, this is something to remember for any stage in your life when you feel as if you are drained, and need some time and some room to breathe, and reset your perspective.
Grab a cup. Here we go!
1. Remind yourself of what really matters
We can get a little side-tracked during the craziness of the holidays, and with anything that takes up most of our time and energy really. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it can become so if we let it take our complete focus off what really is going to matter at the end of the day. For example, it's always in the little things where we get caught up. In the stresses of trying to make thing perfect. Maybe you're just trying to get by, and you are going with the flow and hoping nothing else comes crashing it's way into your busy schedule. Sometimes things can seem like the end of the world when you're in it, but I promise you, they more than likely are not as big of deal as you think they are. And at the end of the week, when all is said and done, that test, that project, that errand, that conversation, that appointment, and even that commitment. Yes, these are things that we should be taking seriously and making sure we are following through on, but they shouldn't leave us with such a drained feeling, and cause us to forget who we are, our worth, and simply, what really matters.
2. Empty yourself and let God fill you
Once you feel as if you've taken a moment to just breathe- (and remind yourself that it's going to be okay lol) that is the perfect opportunity to really surrender all the rest of your worries and feelings that have been weighing on your heart. The thing you can't stop thinking about. The thing has had your stomach in knots the other day. The thing that came to mind when reading this. Just surrender it. We were not meant to carry everything on our own. We need Christ's love more than anything. That is what is going to fill you, to carry you through, to heal and to give you peace again. When we dive deep into his word, and surrender ourselves to him when we feel empty or exhausted, we are growing our trust in Him, and growing in our faith.
He promises us, He is with us. Always. Through everything. We just need to remember that, and meet him there in the midsts of our hurt, and our overwhelm.
I can tell you nothing can ground me more than a drive down to the beach. Where I can sit on the sand.
And open to listen.
Where my thoughts can just dissipate completely, and my feelings of unsurety dissolve into feelings of peace. And I am made new again. And am full.
3. Give yourself time to recover
Another thing to really remember is to be patient. Be patient with yourself, and the time it takes for you to heal. The things that hurt us, or drain us, often don't go away easily. They will take time. It may be frustrating, but that time is productive. Every day that passes is a day you are that much stronger, and that much lighter from whatever burden you carry. Keep reminding yourself of what matters, empty yourself, and be open to letting God fill you, and just be patient while He does so.
You are much stronger than you give yourself credit for, and you are much more loved than you tell yourself.
Hang in there. You've got a brand new year full of possibilities and new chances.
Have faith that it will be marvelous.
Your emotions, your heart, your feelings, you've all got this.
Every bit!
..even to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20