A Life Well Lived
Picture a life.
A life well lived.
What comes to your mind?
Is that well lived life best defined by the individual who is living that life? or is it better defined by others who look back on that life, after it has passed? Is there a formula, a special secret to living that ultimate experience of a full life?
You know, I've been thinking about this subject a lot recently. I've been hearing a lot of people talk about it too, and have been listening to their different opinions. And Yes, there is a secret formula to living your life well. Three little secrets actually. To some these are elusive; often missed or taken for granted. Call them secrets if you will, or just truths hidden in plain sight. Regardless, they are more powerful than people give them credit for. They are much simpler than we tend to make them out to be, and are not given enough credit when applied well or used to the fullest. To live your life well, I found it really only comes down to these three things.
Meaning, a strong sense of belonging, and gratitude.
Thinking about this concept, one can realize that this can be a very subjective topic. But I write about it this week, because I feel as if it is something we all struggle with. All of us, young adults, teens, parents, we all wonder (at some point or another) if we are living life to the fullest? There is a fear that haunts over our accomplishments, our progress, and our sense of contentment. It grabs us by the ear and whispers;
"you aren't doing enough." or "you could have had better" "you are not where you should be, because you didn't 'achieve enough' of the things."
Don't listen to that voice. It will steal away any confidence, and hold hostage any happiness you have. Don't let it creep in. Don't let it change what you believe. What you know to be true. Because that voices lies. We have to think differently, and trust that our lives aren't made 'full' by what we do, have, or own. The truth is, our lives are valued by our identity in Christ. And his love and grace gives us worth. With him our lives are full. When lived for him, they are 'well lived.'
As a Christian, this is what I believe. We all hold a unique perspective on life, and the end goals in it. You may share my beliefs, or you may not, but think about this 'formula' for a second. These three secrets to a well lived life.
1. Having That Meaning
I think naturally, at some point we all look for the meaning in what we do. Eventually, we all come to our own conclusions about what that is. As a Christian, I have a very sure sense of what that is. Understanding that meaning, provides me specific purpose. Even in the small, and seemingly insignificant moments of life. It is what I hold on to. Without having this purpose, life is... well, empty. And if I am honest, my achievements don't seem to mean much of anything.
We as people crave to understand our purpose. Even the most content of individuals eventually crave the answer to what they are striving for. Why am I here? seems to be the question forever asked by everyone, and the answer only found by some.
For me, that answer is; and always will be Christ. Everything that I am is wrapped up in his love for me. In that I know- I was meant to live for a reason. To live out a cause, that is bigger than myself. That is my purpose. That is what I am striving towards.
You may not share my beliefs. We are all different. But as humans, our core purpose is the same.
Photo by Courtney Paige Photography
Some of us may be content to live without knowing why we exist, and to live not knowing if anything has any ultimate meaning. But wouldn't you want to know?
The difference of drive in someone who knows their 'why' vs someone who doesn’t- is immense. And the difference of the inner peace they posses is remarkable as well.
I know I feel a strong desire to be generous towards others, and to be kinder to them. I hold a sense of confidence, and happiness. An unshakable internal satisfaction, that I can’t help but want to share with those around me.
If someone is living life with an understanding as of why, they are significantly more likely to be at peace. To be happier, more courageous, more generous, and significantly kinder.
Because they know the meaning in it all. And it gives them a purpose.
2. That Sense of Belonging
Living a life that has meaning not only gives us a purpose, but also a sense of belonging.
David Adams Richards said in his novel, Mercy Among the Children; “There is no worse flaw in man’s character than that of wanting to belong.” I would argue that it’s not a flaw, but a fundamental and basic need of humanity. It derives from our basic character and it’s a need we all want to be fulfilled. It’s a part of our genetic makeup as human, to belong. This is not a flaw, but a reason to why we exist. We have a deep internal desire to know that we are a part of a bigger plan. To know that somewhere, we have a place.
When we know that we have a place, we live our lives to the greatest of our ability. We succeed in things which seem impossible until achieved. Life becomes one big opportunity. A road set before us, that we were made to journey through. Because of this driving force, we now have powerful sense of belonging. And we become grounded.
Without knowing where your place, we battle with self-doubt, confidence, fear, self-worth, we question our every decision.
Life becomes something to battle against, instead of battle through. But when we have that understanding of our place, we find the strength to forge on. We still may battle through these things, we are able to trust in a greater power and believe it is all worth it.
Because it is.
When you find where you are supposed to be, you naturally are excited to engage in contribution to this world through creativity, and contributing to humanity. You know, I think it’s the value that we place on our lives, once we know the reasons behind it.
Life is much simpler than we tend to make it.
A life, is not wasted if only acted upon in some drastic way, or only fulfilled if it achieved some impossible idea. We over complicate things. We think living life well is dependent on our success, power, and accomplishments.
This it is simply not true. Life isn’t well lived by what you do, but why you do what you do.
And at the end of the day it is about that motivation that drives you than accomplishments that lack a deeper meaning.
Photo by Courtney Paige Photography
3. That Gratitude
Now, that final key to a well lived life is being grateful. This is a natural response, when we fully understand what we have been given. Being thankful for the love we have been shown and appreciating what life is, is what makes us immeasurably happy.
Being grateful for the big and small things in life, is what makes it feel full. It’s taking the time to soak up the small moments, and taking the time to appreciate all that we have set before us.
Gratitude helps us to remember what truly matters at the end of the day. It's showing love to your family, taking the time to invest in the people around you, and enjoying what you have. It's not taking things for granted. It's knowing the value of your life, and wanting to soak up every moment because of it. No matter how small, or simple that moment is.
Collectively, these things make my life full. They make it something worth meddling with.
Worth trying to understand.
They make my life make sense.
At least to me.
They make it all worth it. Giving me such hope.
And it's a greater feeling than any I can express.