5 Favorite Must-Haves for a Cozy Night In
Having a night in, especially one while the holidays are close by is something that will always be forever comforting to me. Socks, cups of tea, baking and Netflix, I mean count me in. I always find myself craving a night away from the world after a busy week. Taking the time to recharge and immerse yourself in the quiet, while you can let your mind think, is always a good way to balance out the go-go-go schedule that we have throughout the week. Do you like to take a night in now and again? These are some of my favorite must-haves that I always seem to turn to when I am needing some self-care.
1. Get Comfy
First things first, change into some clothes that you are comfortable in. Sweatpants, or some favorite PJ's, etc. I think this is a pretty general rule of thumb for everyone. It is the first step we do when we get cozy. And to me, there is nothing wrong with that. There is no shame here. The crazier the socks the better. . . .
'Clary Calm' has basically been with me wherever I go lately. I've been keeping it in the front pocket of my laptop case as well, so I can apply it while writing, reading, and studying. I loooove it.
2. Making a Nice Drink
Cup of tea, iced coffee, latte, glass of wine, shot of whiskey, you pick. Celebrate with a little something in your favorite cup, and all of a sudden the night is ten times better. I love taking this time to try out and experiment making healthy superfood 'hot chocolates,' pumpkin spice lattes, gingerbread 'bedtime' lattes, and even red wine hot chocolate, (don't knock it until you try it) that I really want to make soon. I personally have not tried this, but because my love for red wine and dark chocolate are so strong, this drink seems to be right up my alley. *Heart eyes. If you need inspiration for all things healthy and sweet to make on your night in, check out my Pinterest board "Healthy Desserts//Sweets" for endless options. (Yes, I know I have about thirty-six different chocolate chip recipes)
3. Bath or Book
You know, why not pick both? Book I am reading is "The Emotionally Healthy Woman" by Geri Scazzero. Highly recommend. I would not have started reading this if it wasn't for my friend who insisted that we did as part of a reading task, and I must say, I do not regret it! I talk a little bit more about it in my October favorites post if you're interested.
You know, I do not have baths often, but I think I should try to incorporate them more into my week. Bath Bombs can be expensive, and let's be real for a second and say that not everyone's bathtub is Pinterest worthy (mine certainly is not) but you know, it doesn't really matter. If the tub is clean and you can relax, who cares? *laughs. Well, sort of. The bath bomb pictured above is "Karma" bubble bar by Lush. I always end up cutting my bubble bars in half, and getting two separate baths out of it. It is a little less expensive this way, and you get to have two baths! I don't always shop at Lush, but when I do I buy six different bath products and save them all for a 'special time' until I think "I really should use this before it goes bad... do bath products go bad??" Are you the same?
Regardless. Treat yourself. Take a bath. They're nice.
4. Face or Hair Mask
This is a definite must-have. I probably use a face mask or wash more than I take baths. The reason why I like them is you feel like you are really caring for your skin, and taking the time to do this makes you feel like you are on schedule, and have your life together (keynote here- 'makes you feel' like you have your life together) and who doesn't need more of that? Even if it is a quick ten minute mask, you can apply moisturizer after and give yourself a ten minute facial. I never regret it.
5. Netflix or Bake it out!
The two best relaxers aren't they? I absolutely find my peace in the Kitchen. Baking, cooking, making a cup of tea, it all happens in this part of the house. I find myself really being able to let my mind wander and be free while I work with my hands, and create something new. Similar to gardening. (I am aware that I am sounding pretty middle-aged right about now) But there isn't much in life that a good recipe, and a few episodes of something marvelous can't fix. If you need some healthy cooking or baking recipes, I have saved endless over on my Pinterest.
My favorite shows to watch as of now are: Call The Midwife. Stranger Things. Grey's Anatomy. Doctor Who. Favorite movies as of now are: You've Got Mail. Howl's Moving Castle. My Fair Lady. Sense and Sensibility (the 1995 one!) These film are forever comforting.
Left: Gluten-free chocolate chip cookies. . . you know it. Find my go-to recipe by food blogger 'Chocolate Covered Katie' here! Right: My own recipe gluten-free chocolate brownies, with toasted coconut flakes. I never wrote down the recipe, so... maybe I need to start experimenting with this one again, to see if I can recreate. Let me know and leave a comment below if you would like to see some of my own recipes! (gluten-free, vegan, low sugar, etc)
Oh Riverside. . . winter skies are where your glory is at. Orange trees, sunsets, palm trees, and the sounds of outdoor sprinklers, will always be the sounds of home to me, and the comforts of my childhood.
All in all, these things always seem to brighten my mood and make any night that much cozier. What are some of your favorite 'go-to's that you have for a night in? Have any favorite reading material, bath bombs, movies, or recipes? Let me know so I can give them a try!
Hope this post has inspired you to take some time for yourself this weekend, or to take some time and do something fun with someone you love. I Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend, and a very happy Thanksgiving.
And as always, make a cup of tea for me.